It’s been seven years since I chose the “official” name for my business— The Rock Paper Scissors Studio. Naming a child, a business, or even a pet can be hard. You want to choose just the right thing. It took me several years to settle on this name. I recently was reminded exactly why I chose the name I did, and it came from a most unexpected source.
I play keyboard for our church’s worship team. It is my favorite activity ALL WEEK (including stamping).

This is from our worship yesterday. I stand on that stage each week with some of my dearest friends. I love playing with them. Anyway, there is a song recently released by Elevation Worship called Same God. You can give it a listen here. A phrase in this song is what reminded me why I have the business name that I do. The line in the song says, “O Rock, O Rock of ages, I’m standing on Your faithfulness…”
Rock Paper Scissors was a cute name with meaning and that’s why I chose it. The paper and the scissors are obvious for a paper crafter, but the Rock needs a little explanation. That’s why I chose this tagline for my business: Serving the Rock of Ages through my love of paper crafts. It is a perfect description of what I do. ❤️
When we sing this song I am reminded of God’s provision and faithfulness in every part of my life, and especially in my business. His faithfulness is unmatched.
I love to introduce people to paper crafting, it is such a rewarding hobby that focuses on others instead of self. But my greatest joy would be to introduce you to the Rock of Ages mentioned in this song and in my business name. He is a friend like no other. Just ask me about him and I will tell you more.
I look forward to stamping with you soon!