Can you believe summer break is over already?  On Sunday we moved our son back to his dorm room in Tennessee.  Bittersweet.  He LOVES college and was anxious to reconnect with all his Union friends.  I will miss him terribly though.  This week our daughter will be off to grad school too—6 hours from home.   She is such a hard working student and I know she is going to love the challenges that this next degree will require.  God is obviously working in both our kids and I am so proud of them for their obedience to Him.  But boy, is my house going to seem really empty!

To lighten the mood I am going to participate in National Tell A Joke Day.  Now, to be fair, I need you to understand that this holiday is on Friday, but I am posting this on Thursday so you will have some time to look up a good joke and participate in the celebration with me.  PLEASE leave your joke in my comment section so I will have plenty of laughter to distract me from my mostly empty nest.

In true back to school spirit, I have a little math humor…

SCHOOL: 2 + 2 = 4.

HOMEWORK: 2 + 4 + 2 = 8.

EXAM: Matthew has 4 apples, his train is 7 minutes early, calculate the sun’s mass.

As a student who did not enjoy math (and as a homeschool mom who disliked it even more by trying to teach it), I had to chuckle at that one.

I want to say a big thank  you to all my friends who are teachers and give so much of themselves to their students.  I pray that in  your classroom this year, the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ would be felt by each person that walks through the door.  May you have many opportunities to demonstrate God’s love to your students and their families this year!

And for our project I am going to share something I did in a class at the end of the school year.  It would make just as cute a teacher gift for the beginning of the year as the end…


These little water bottle tags are easy to make and versatile, but most of all it is a thoughtful and useful gift for the teacher.  You could change out the water for a soda and add a small candy bar to the pocket.    Maybe you could even decorate a different one each month for a little gift, so teachers feel appreciated all year long!

Please don’t forget to leave me a joke in the comments section.  If you don’t have one handy just do what I did and Google good clean jokes.  Hope you all have a great day and remember—tell a joke tomorrow!

One thought on “Back to school…”

  1. This is my ALL time favorite joke, and it sure is a corny one, but I can picture this so visually in my mind that it makes me laugh frequently. Ok…………….What is black and white, black and white, black and white, black and white…………….(Scroll Down, I hope this works……..)

    A Nun rolling down a hill. 🙂

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